I used Terminal Velocity for years before, chasing the latest thing, I switched to Atom, which let me leave a buffer of notes open without creating a file.

Obviously, this comes with some drawbacks. Even though that note file persists across reboots, it’s not synced anywhere, and it’s not very well organized. It led to a bunch of disparate ideas being left in a table named “untitled”. I was fairly committed to Atom, however, and just toughed it out for a while (despite Terminal Velocity still being installed).

Eventually, I moved jobs, and this new one was less amenable to working from my own computer (something something terabytes of test data something). I tried sshfs, but that was too slow for my liking, especially with Atom doing some weird syncing in the background. Back to Vim I went!

Of course, with Vim, you don’t have persistent unnamed buffers, and I got tired of searching for just which notes file I left that little tidbit in, so I went digging, and lo! Terminal Velocity had been archived. Ah well, it happens. Folks lose interest, move on to other tools, etc. I have all the respect in the world for the authors and their work, as well as for their honest explanation of having moved on, rather than just a live repository with “last commit 3 years ago”.

While the app had been left in a fairly stable state, there were a few things I wanted to add to it, such as python3 support, a SQL-backed notebook for a potential web frontend (it’d be nice to be able to take notes on my phone, after all, and have them show up on my computers!), support for SimpleNote, etc.

Thus tv2!

I hope to maintain support of the project for a bit yet, and am open to bugs and pull requests. Feel free to contribute along with me if tv2 is something you like and use.

As an important note, tv2 drops support for python2, at least for the moment. The first step was to run 2to3 on the repository. In the future, I’ll see about getting six in place.